Changing attitudes to disabled workers

The past two years have accelerated the pace of change in the workplace, not just in terms of a more positive approach towards flexible and hybrid working and an increased use of technology but also in terms of skills shortages and a strain on the current labour market.

The past two years have also highlighted a continued need for employers to do even more to support and nurture their disabled workforce, with more proactive recruitment and retention strategies. But how can organisations do this in an effective way and what can they learn from the experiences of others already on this journey?

Our panel of experts held a discussion on Changing attitudes to disabled workers on Thursday, 6 October 2022.

Shoosmiths’ partner Emma Morgan was joined by Adrian Ward from Business Disability Forum and Kirsty Taylor of Autism East Midlands to debate:

  • What opportunities are there for employers to more proactively embrace workers with disabilities?
  • How can organisations ensure that recruitment and development of disabled workers is done in an effective way?
  • What additional steps should organisations take to support and engage disabled workers, particularly those working remotely?
  • What legal obligations should employers be mindful of when employing disabled employees?
  • Should organisations be asked to report against measures relating to disabled employees, such as pay gap data and if so, how can employers go about collecting the necessary data?

The recording of the discussion and the accompanying slides are available to download below.


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